Rank Structure

Department Leadership




M. Goodman

Under Sheriff

C. Coxy

Deputy Sheriff



M. Grant


D. Reagan


D. Callister


H. Davies

Department Leadership

  • Gives recommendations for Promotions to Sheriff’s

  • Expert Mentor for Sheriff’s

  • Mentor of Division

  • Powers of Suspension, Formal Disciplinary Action and Termination

  • In charge of the Subdivision leads, will help them with what they need to do, if they need something added/if they need anything. They will also remove subdivision leads if needed and can step into disputes if needed

Department Level 4

Department High Command

  • Supervisor

  • Mentor to Entry Level Ranks

  • Suitable for Field Training Officer

  • Experienced Supervisor

  • Unlocks Unmarked Vehicle Usage

  • Aware of everyday patrol

  • In charge of the Supervisors, ensuring that supervisors are performing their duties and are up to speed with our expectations Captains: In charge of the FTO Program, meant to ensure that we are performing trainings as much as possible and if needed will go to the Heads with recommendations for removal from FTO Program

Department Level 6

Department Supervisors

  • Supervisor

  • Has shown Potential over time

  • Mentor for Newer Deputies

  • Unlocks Ghosted Vehicle Usage

Department Level 7

Department Regular Patrol Units

  • Recently Hired in the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office

  • Full-time Blaine County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Unit

Department Level 10

Last updated